Physiologically, everybody goes through these phases of the sexual cycle of reactions, which are constructed of: sexual desire, sexual arousal, and as a result of the orgasm and the resolution phase.
For the regulation of the functions of the sexuality of the man of nature have been created bodies such as the cerebral cortex as well as subcortical structures, and in some centres of the spinal cord. All sexual relationships, the centers of regulation of the sexual function are closely related, and of course to have an interaction, just obey it, and form a single whole of your system.
Sexual desire, excitement, and as a result of the orgasm

The sexual desire or the libido is directly dependent on the biologically correct activity of the glands of internal secretion, it is testes in men and the ovaries, the adrenal glands in both sexes, and depends on the metabolism. And of course, sexual desire, arousal and even orgasm can not be achieved without the participation and the normal functioning of the brain.
In the healthy adult human level of excitability centers sexual, as well as the strength of the sexual desire taken to determine the level of hormones.
There are full-fledged addiction to the sexual desire of the anthropological differences, for example, brunette, and black has a strong sexual inclination, of the blonde. Yet another example of the strong growth of the libido may be stronger than tall. Women asthenic physique, in order to achieve orgasm will require a greater amount of caresses, and other efforts that chubby. The people of the countries of the south with a warmer climate, the libido is more bright and stronger. Temperament southerners really more actively developed than among the northerners.
Of course, excitability, sexual of men and women are radically different. Most often the sexual arousal among women than among men. Of men the desire, usually appears before the direct contact, during a sexual act, the excitement increases very rapidly, and erection occurs very quickly, and after authorization of the sexual excitement and, of course, the erection disappears completely.
In addition to the hormones and the different caresses, erotic stimulate the sexual function can and some of the main irritants.
This kind of sexual stimulation is purely individual for each person and are personally his representation on the grounds of sex, sexual experience, and sexual ideals.
An impact on the sexual excitement is capable of the music in the first place, by exercising an incentive effect on the deep structures of the spinal cord, and it is capable of arousing the erotic memories of the association and other sexual experiences
Women are capable of responding to the psycho-emotional effects of a pathogen is a little weaker than the men.
Often, the women-even the expectation of sexual contact do not cause sexual arousal, but of the mass of men while waiting for a next sexual contact is expressed in sexual arousal.
It is important to remember that the nature of men and the sexuality of women vary considerably.
In addition, sexual arousal can be caused not only by the influence of certain hormones and pathogens, but the effects are purely mechanical irritants, and this is another type of stimulation, and stimulants, sexy caresses, and even touching the areas that are particularly sensitive to the touch.
American famous sexologists Masters d & Johnson S. in the implementation of the sexual excitement exude the excitement phase is the plateau phase, the phase of orgasm, and the phase of so-called development in reverse.

In a first phase, the phase of sexual arousal in normal men by a short period of time, usually up to thirty seconds, since the beginning of the sexual stimulation is an amplification of the tide of blood to the pelvic organs, and it is thus part of the difficulty of the blood flow due to compression of the vein. This leads to a strong increase of the penis in the size, the increase typically occurs in two or three times, the penis acquires the hardness and considerably extended up to seven to eight inches long. As soon as the erection of the imagination, the body of men immediately starts to look for, to get rid of the sexual tension, to a landfill.
If the friction of the nerve endings of the penis on the walls of the vagina during intercourse, the contact density will be sufficient, it is an erection that is constantly being improved, and the sexual excitement will begin to accumulate. Men will be more and more frequent breathing and skyrocket palpitations, maybe, blushed face.
If sharply to suspend the contact, the sexual excitement may quite strongly, and sometimes rather slow to weaken, the veins dilate, the flow of blood to skyrocket. Which in turn lead to a reduction of the penis in the size, and its fall. If your contact restore, and the erection is able to recover quickly.
In fact, this is not a secret that the woman needs a lot more time for the preparation of sexual contact, and work on her erogenous zones need much more long as it can quickly lead to a sufficient degree of sexual excitement, and for the possibility of admitting a song in the vagina.
Of course, some women are more picky, they have very high secretory activity of the ovary, these women can reach the discharge even faster in some men.
However, the average woman with an average temperament was much more difficult to start a sexual contact, rather than man, and in the absence of sufficient foreplay, the fondling of the genitals of the woman can be prepared for sexual intercourse, the wall of the vagina almost inches are ferms, tight enough to each other, the fat is still absent, the elasticity is not developed. Sexual arousal in women can appear and grow only a preview, sometimes it just takes long-term exposure on her erogenous zones.
The arousal phase of sexual response of women is very similar to the excitement phase of the male. Even strengthened by the influx of blood to the pelvic organs. The labia minora become grow in size, and also two or three times, they change their color, so pale pink they can become almost red. The clitoris is also blown up, also called the female organ of sexual health of feelings, it is capable of increasing a half-sometimes two times, like the penis, the clitoris becomes compressed. Therefore, it becomes pasty sexually excited the vagina, the vessels of the vagina filled with blood, it becomes hot, the muscles of his spontaneously begin to decrease, the vagina shrink more, which in turn will contribute to the more dense to the contact friction with the male member during sexual intercourse.
In addition to the items mentioned above in the case of a strong sexual arousal of the genitals of women to acquire enough moisture, the vagina secretes necessary the fat, which is able to facilitate the gliding of the penis in the vagina.
But in the case of the state quiet of the woman in the walls of the vagina are so closely attached to each other, it remains only a small slit. In a state of sexual excitement vagina will lengthen and expand, the cervix will be pulled up and back. The diameter of the vagina are also increasing, the female appears to be a certain free space, which will contain the seminal fluid.
When there is a accumulation of excitement, and this feeling reaches the necessary heights, and then maintained in this state for a certain period of time, you know - it is the plateau phase. This is the phase in which the vagina adapts to the shape and dimensions of the penis. Partners feel each other's body. The vagina of the woman, or rather his third party, is able to decrease by half, if we compare its dimensions in the previous phase, and takes on the appearance of a narrow tube. Muscles vagina female, a sufficient condition of sexual arousal tightly cover the penis. Well, there is a powerful stimulation of the organs, or rather, the nerve endings in both partners.

This is the phase where the breasts of the women increases, the compression or the erection of the nipples, they are even able to lie on a centimetre, as well as to increase the diameter to a semi-centimeter.
The sexologists Masters d & Johnson, Century, described the orgasm in women as well. The orgasm approach, when the external face of the third part of the vagina begins to rhythmically reduction. These rhythmic contractions affect the muscles of the uterus. The vagina is able to decrease, with a range of eight-tenths of a second. Depending on the amount and intensity of rhythmic contractions of orgasm is magical, or quiet. Generally, during the implementation of three to five contractions of orgasm is considered to be low, in the presence of six to eight cups it is the orgasm intensity average, from nine to twelve cuts, the very strong orgasm. But these calculations are also very subjective, as are women who have an orgasm extraordinary strength and the intensity of only three to five cuts.
Upon the occurrence of the orgasm in people increase in the number of respiratory movements, accelerates the pulse. Up to one hundred eighty strokes per minute, increases the blood pressure, it is able to ride on twenty, and sometimes more points. For example, the male orgasm can increase the normal pressure of one hundred and twenty millimeters of mercury, up to two hundred. At the time of orgasm may be redness of the face and even the chest.
Especially with adjustable intensity may be the female orgasm. It can be similar to humans, with a brief nature of the leak, and can on the contrary be long and deep, giving an indescribable joy.
The female orgasm can be longer, it can last twenty to sixty seconds, and sometimes even longer. The long form of orgasm can be hilly nature of the leak, it intensifies, weakens it, and continues with an unknown number of tens of seconds, sometimes, it can even be an hour or half.
Meeting a number of women, capable of experiencing and often multiple orgasms repeated, which can follow each other with an interval of one, two minutes. These women are capable of having three or four orgasm during a sexual intercourse.
There are cases where a woman can feel satisfied only when she will experience multiple, continuously one behind the other orgasms, from ten to twenty times. In addition, these repeated orgasms occur when the clitoral stimulation.
If a man is confident in the abilities of his partner, worry a little repetitive orgasms in a row, just remember to not to ejaculate, as it could lead to what his partner may remain unsatisfied with only one orgasm.
But because the women extended a common type of orgasm, or even with the needs of multiple orgasms in a partner, in the case where you could not help, as the option should help the partner, advanced by stimulating the clitoris.
During orgasm in a woman's body is something similar to ejaculation. At this time, several opens in the neck of the uterus, and she broke out in something similar to a tube of viscous mucus, the female seed, or even the secret of the uterine glands. The female seed how could rubs gently the stock exchanges of multiple nerve endings, and all of this gives the spicy sensation. After this, the plug of mucus back into the uterus and the cervix is intertwined closely. After ejaculation, both men and women disappear tense sensations of the genital area, there was an outflow of blood, all is finished.
Even if a woman thinks she feels, as if something stuck out of his body, the idea that the women of the ejaculation, it is subjective, and is not proven.
Leading sexologists argue about many years, but these discussions have only theoretical value. But in practice, the woman receives an orgasm is absolutely not to think about the way. How these processes are called ejaculation, orgasm, or other. Especially, she likes a lot.
In women has decided to award the five stages of the copulative cycle located successively:
- Psychic stage, covers a span of time, from the moment where the woman has felt the desire of copulation, and until she decides to carry out their desires;
- Touch point (lat., Sense means feeling, sensitivity). This restructuring of the quality of the perception, the increase in the responsiveness of the erogenous zones, and similarly, the need to stimulate specifically;
- The secretory phase, is characterized by the appearance of moisturizers and lubricants for vaginal secretions;
- Orgasmic stage, at this stage, the woman receives the maximum amount of fun soft or the sensation of orgasm;
- Relictum phase, during this step begins with the weakening of sexual arousal and the flow of the blood to the genitals.
In addition, in a time of a sexual contact is discernible missio, or the introduction of the penis into the vagina, the phase of translation are felt a movement or erection, and the phase of the ejaculation and the orgasm.
A lot of women view the sexual contact as the highest point emotionally complex interpersonal relationships with a partner, they are accustomed to consider sex is not only physical intimacy, but spiritually the connection with your loved one.